Monday, March 24, 2008

Feeding Schedule

It's not an easy phrase now. Introducing solids entails discipline and frequent feeding of liquids. My whole day is all about feeding Isaac with milk, cereals, fruit juice (diluted), fruit puree and water. As he had a serious case of constipation after introducing him the rice cereal (as it's iron fortified), I really have to make sure he gets enough liquid to help him ease his constipation, that's where the water, fruit juice and fruit puree is really important.

Upon waking - milk feed
9am - rice cereal, followed by water or milk
12pm - milk feed
3pm - fruit puree/juice, followed by water or milk
6pm - rice cereal, followed by water or milk
9pm - milk feed

That's the current schedule, it's even more hectic than his previous 4 hourly milk feed, 8pm, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm (+ 5am milk feed, if he wakes up).

Anyone any advice/suggestions about the new schedule? Just submit your comments....thanks.

(Update : Decided to mix the fruit/vegetable puree into the rice cereal and currently, I am adding sweet potato into his rice, let's see if his constipation will go away)

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