Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Fruit Introduced : Avocado

Avocado Baby Food - Packed full of nutrients! Avocado
(4)6 months+
Vitamins: A, C, Niacin, Folate
Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium

1. Peel and take out the pit of a ripe avocado - do not cook
2. Cut “meat” out and mash with a fork
3. There should be no need to use a machine as just like bananas, avocados have a very soft consistency and texture. Avocados do not need to be cooked.

hintHow to Select an Avocado -
When selecting an Avocado, you want a dark green color with bumpy texture. The fruit should be firm yet yielding when gently pushed. When an avocado is sliced in half, the flesh color should be a green that gently transforms into a buttery yellow around the pit. Visit our Avocado Topic for More Information

(Source :

Another tip : I actually buy a few avocados at one go and normally select the green ones. I will have one at room temperature to continue the ripening process (turns black and much softer) while the rest stays in the fridge (still green and hard).

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