Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Introducing these foods

Now that Isaac is 11 months, I am more comfortable in introducing new food in his diet. Hopefully, by letting him experience different tastes and texture will nurture him to be adventurous in food and not be too picky in the future.

Here is the list of food I intend to let him try before he turns one,

For Breakfast, new food to be introduced slowly:

  1. wholemeal bread
  2. egg yolk (YOLK ONLY, egg white only after he turns one)
  3. yoghurt
For Lunch and snack (fruit) time, new food to be introduced slowly:
  1. Continue his milk feed till he turns one
  2. Will introduce berries to him, instead of just the current apple puree
  3. yoghurt for snack
  4. green bean or red bean for snack
For dinner, new food to be introduced slowly:
  1. Let him try on rice, mix with vegetable soup
  2. scrambled egg yolk with his usual vege like french beans, broccoli, spinach
More ideas on 10-12 months food can be found here.

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